Recent Baby Food Heavy Metals Lawsuit News
Information and News About Recent Baby Food Heavy Metals Lawsuits
Lawmakers Fear Baby Food Makers Walmart, Campbell, and Sprout Organic Food Are Hiding Dangerously High Levels Of Heavy Metal Contamination | 2/1/2022
The three companies failed to cooperate with the US Congressional Subcommittee request for information...READ MORE
The FDA Is Dragging Their Feet By Failing To Ban Toxic Baby Food | 1/25/2022
Federal low-income nutrition programs give baby food manufacturers a built-in market and bypass consumer scrutiny...READ MORE
Gerber And BeechNut Ignore Congress And Have Failed To Recall Their Baby Food | 1/21/2022
The companies continue to sell toxic, heavy metal-contaminated baby food as if nothing was wrong...READ MORE
Class Action Lawsuits Support The Claims Of Parents of Children With Developmental Difficulties and Autism | 1/19/2022
Lawsuits and local news coverage is alerting California parents about baby food that contains toxic heavy metals...READ MORE
Gerber Baby Cereal May Be The Greatest Violator Of Baby Food Heavy Metal Standards | 1/13/2022
Further investigation into Gerber Baby Foods and rice cereal is warranted because the company has ignored heavy metal safety standards...READ MORE
Each State Must Address The Toxic Baby Food Brands On Their WIC-Approved List And Remove The Offenders | 1/7/2022
Companies that produce baby foods that test for high amounts of toxic heavy metals should not be subsidized through government food programs...READ MORE
The US Congress And The FDA Are At Odds Over Baby Food Heavy Metal Regulation | 1/3/2022
The US Food and Drug Administration seems content with its efforts to monitor toxic heavy metals in certain brands of baby food...READ MORE
Baby Food Manufacturers Need To Be Held Financially Accountable For Failing To Test Their Final Products | 12/29/2021
Ensuring the safety of the food we feed our children is an ongoing battle for concerned organizations...READ MORE
Baby Foods May Also Contain Perchlorate, A By-Product of Manufacturing Rocket Fuel And Fireworks | 12/21/2021
Baby Food Packaging May Be Leaching Toxic Carcinogenic Chemicals Into Your Child's Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner...READ MORE
Local Organic Produce Growers Are Not Required To Test Their Fruits and Vegetables For Toxic Heavy Metals | 12/15/2021
Homemade baby food made with organic non-gmo ingredients may be just as contaminated with heavy metals as store-bought...READ MORE
Parents Should Buy A Good Blender And Replace Baby Foods With Naturally Organic, Locally Grown fruits and vegetables. | 12/13/2021
Health experts recommend that commercial rice cereal be eliminated from a baby's diet altogether because it contains high amounts of arsenic...READ MORE
Congress And Independent Health Watchdog Agencies Have Found Baby Food To Contain Heavy Metals | 12/9/2021
Some manufacturers have issued voluntary recalls of their baby food products out of an abundance of cautions and Congress promises reforms...READ MORE
All Parents Should Read The Congressional Report About The Presence Of Heavy Metals In Baby Food | 12/8/2021
Many parents of small children are unaware that the baby food industry self-regulates and that the food they feed their children could be harming them...READ MORE
Companies Reassure Parents That They Have Addressed The Baby Food Heavy Metal Crisis | 12/6/2021
Baby food manufacturers know they will be ostracised or worse if they do not take the lead and test their final products for heavy metals and arsenic...READ MORE
Parents Should Set Realistic Expectations For Baby Food Heavy Metal Consumption | 11/30/2021
Parents have zero tolerance for baby food heavy metal contamination which is unrealistic in today's world...READ MORE
Parents Confidence In Baby Food Brands Has Been Shaken By Congressional Reports of Mercury, Lead, And Other Heavy Metals | 11/23/2021
Lawsuits against major baby food brands must keep the baby food industry in check until Congress passes regulations...READ MORE
A US Congressman Has Made It His Mission To Clean Up The Toxic Baby Food Industry | 11/20/2021
Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi, D-Ill. expects the FDA and the baby food industry to take action immediately to rid baby food and rice cereal of toxic heavy metals...READ MORE
The FDA's Baby Food Regulation May Have Overlooked Toxic Heavy Metals | 11/20/2021
Parents trust the FDA and are dismayed to hear that they may have inadvertently been feeding a deadly poison to their children...READ MORE
22 State Attorney Generals Petition Asks The FDA To Test Finished Baby Food Product For Heavy Metals | 11/17/2021
Testing the finished baby food product will reveal a more accurate level of heavy metals that children ingest...READ MORE
Lawyers for Baby Food Heavy Metals Lawsuits
We will represent all persons involved in a toxic baby food lawsuit on a contingency basis, meaning there are never any legal fees unless we win compensation in your case. Anyone whose child was diagnosed with autism, ADHD, or another neurological disorder after eating contaminated baby food is eligible to receive a free, no-obligation case review from our attorneys. Simply contact our firm through the online contact form or the chat feature and one of our baby food lawyers will contact you promptly to discuss your case.